Ctg Mass Killing Day observed: Trial of Jan 24 massacre demanded

Chittagong Bureau :
 Chittagong Mass Killing Day was observed on Wednesday with a call for expediting trials of the people responsible for the gruesome killing on this day in 1988.
Different political parties, socio-cultural organisations observed the day through various programmes including placing wreaths on the premises of Chittagong Court Hill Monument, discussion, hoisting black flags and wearing black badges.
The day was observed in commemoration of 24 innocent people who were killed in indiscriminate police firing on a grand rally led by the then leader of the 15-party alliance and incumbent Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina near Laldighi Maidan and Chittagong Court Building premises.
 About 200 people were injured in the attack.
Chittagong city Awami League organised a discussion on Chittagong Court Hill Monument premises marking the Day.
Acting President of Chittagong city Awami League (AL) Mahtab Uddin Chowdhury presided over the discussion while General Secretary of Chittagong City Awami League and City Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin, AL leaders Khurshed Alam Sujon, Noyeem Uddin Chowdhury, Advocate Ibrahim Hossain Babul and Adve Iftekher Saimul Chowdhury, among others, addressed the event.
The speakers urged the government to bring the perpetrators of Chittagong mass killing the book as soon as possible.
A section of Awami League activists under the leadership of Acting President of City AL Mahtabuddin Chowdhury and General Secretary and the Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation AJM Nasir Uddin had assembled at the spot of the massacre at Court building premises in the morning.
They had placed floral wreaths at the altar erected there on the memories of the dead.
Mahtabuddin Chowdhury and AJM Nasir Uddin addressed the gathering.
They had expressed dissatisfaction over the delay of trial of the Chittagong Massacre. They also hoped that the present government would go forward to try the culprits of the massacre.
The Day’s attack was an attempt to kill Sheikh Hasina during the tenure of HM Ershad on January 24 in 1988.
On this Day, the activists of Awami League who were rallying in the streets of Chittagong accompanied by Sheikh Hasina were attacked by the police during the regime of autocratic ruler HM Ershad.
