Transport suspended at Sonamasjid land port


Chapainawabganj Correspondent :
Transport workers have suspended transport of goods at Sonamasjid Land Port since Sunday morning protesting extortion and harassment by a labourer organization and some middlemen.
The stoppage has been called on under the banner of Chapainawabganj District Truck Owners Group and District Truckand Motor Labourers Union.
At the stoppage, more than 300 trucks have been remaining stranded at Chapainawabganj Central Truck Terminal.
Aminul Islam Sentu, president of Chapainawabganj District Truck Oners Group said, Sonamasjid Land Port Shramik Samanya Committee and a group of middlemen have been realizing extortion of Tk. 1,600 to 1,200 from each truck forcibly and illegally at the port for a long time. The truckers have been being physically assaulted in case of refusal to pay the extortion, he added. Not only that, the extortionists have been compelling them to carry excess goods on the trucks, he alleged.
Acting president of Chapainawabganj District Motor Labourers Union Puspa Narayan Barmon said, they have compelled to stop the transportation and they would continue it until the problem is solved.
Truck drivers Selim Reza and Rabiul Islam alleged that they had to pay the extortion to the men of Shramik Samanya Committee and a group of middlemen at the port.
While contacted, president of Sonamasjid Land Port Shramik Samanya Committee Sadequr Rahman denied the allegation.
 It was known from the land port sources, although the export and import have been remaining normal at the port, the loading and unloading of trucks have been remaining suspended.
