Traders are full of worries in port city

Law enforcing members seen annohcing to close the shops in the port city from 6 pm. The picture was taken from Anderkilla last evening.
Law enforcing members seen annohcing to close the shops in the port city from 6 pm. The picture was taken from Anderkilla last evening.

Chattogram Bureau :
Government has announced a seven-day lockdown from Monday to deal with the Corona situation. Since the announcement, traders in various shopping malls and markets in the city have been worried. They have asked the government for the opportunity to do business with the health rules. The Eid Bazaar in Chittagong is worth around thousands of crores of taka.. To make up for last year’s losses, many traders have now taken out products with bank loans. But they are worried that the government will suddenly announce a lockdown again. Teribazar Business Association General Secretary. Abdul Mannan said, “Last year we discouraged the opening of shops.” But now we can’t. I have already invested a lot of money. If we can’t do business right now, we’ll starve to death.
Mohammad Sagir, president of Bipani Bitan Businessmen’s Welfare Association, said, “We have only one thing to do, to be given the opportunity to do business in compliance with the health rules.” The market was closed last year due to Corona. Due to this all the traders big and small have been affected. We paid the employees at that time with a lot of effort. How do we save employees if we do not save ourselves?
Former organizing secretary of the Zahur Hawkers Market Business Association. Fazlul Amin said, “We lost Eid Bazaar last year because of Corona. So this year I was full of hope. But if we fall into the grip of a new lockdown, we will have to sit in the way. Both life and livelihood need to be saved.
Asad Iftekhar, President of the Finlay Square Shop Owners Association in Sanmar Ocean City in city said that many traders started crying since the news of the lockdown. The market was closed last year before Shab-e Barat. Then we did not bring new clothes. But this time I have brought a new collection.
