Toxic stationeries impact kids health


Noman Mosharef :
Much used erasers’ which contains Toxic Chemical Phthalates is more harmful for kids’ health. It is more responsible for spreading dangerous diseases like lack of attention, mental stress, disappointment, liver disease, allergy and Asthma.
It has impacted on the reproduction of the kids as they were habituated to use it from their starting point of learning.
This finding revealed after a joint survey titled ‘Toxic Chemicals in kids Stationaries: Phthalates in Erasers’ done by Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO), Financial Industry Public Interest Foundation and Wonjin Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (WIOEH).
After collecting sample from nine South Asian Countries-viz Bangladesh, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Philippine- they have done PVC screening and Phthalates testing at WIOEH, South Korea.
The survey authority has collected 47 different brands erasers’ from Bangladesh Kids Stationery markets where 30 erasers’ brand has tested positive with Phthalates. Of them 21 erasers’ Phthalates quantity has crossed the limit. The PVC screening and Phthalates testing has worked with these samples to identify seven major Phthalates. They have found Phthalates variants like DIBP, DBP, DEHP and DINP those are more responsible for liver disease, allergy, Asthma and more impacted on reproduction system.
Mentioning a USA research, the survey report said, they have found that Phthalates has impact on kids mental development. The nine-year study, conducted by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, found that children were more prone to  
aggression, mental instability, attention deficit and depression as the result of Phthalates.
In this regard, Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman Project Coordinator, Environmental Intervention Unit, icddr,b said scientific research has shown a link between some phthalates and reproductive health toxicity.
