Tortured Mim dies after 15-day fight for life, husband escapes

Staff Reporter :
The body of Tasnim Alam Mim who died while undergoing treatment at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH), was handed over to her family by hospital authority on Tuesday night.

She was allegedly tortured by her husband and in-laws for dowry and she died after fighting for life for 15 days.
Victim’s cousin Morsalin Rahi told The New Nation that Mim was buried at her family graveyard after her Namaz-e-janaza in Kushtia on Wednesday morning.
“Mim’s husband Ezaz did not come to DMCH and did not attend the Namaz-e-janaza of his wife. Ezaz with his family fled from his home Taragunia in Daulatpur upazila of Kushtia district.” Rahi informed.
Rahi said that Ezaz and Mim loved each other. That is why our family agreed and arranged their marriage on 2016. Today (Wednesday, 16th September) is their 4th marriage anniversary. Before the incident, Mim was severely injured after her husband and his family brutally tortured her reluctance to give him a motorcycle as dowry.
“After torture at home without informing us, Ezaz admitted Mim to Kushtia General Hospital on September 1,” Rahi says.
We heard the news from different sources and reached hospital in a haste. We saw signs of injuries in various parts of her body and Mim was senseless. She was shifted to DMCH the following day as her condition worsened. Mim was senseless till her death at DMCH ICU, he said.
Victim’s father Mohibul Alam said to The New Nation that firstly, the officer-in-charge of Daulatpur Police Station rejected to record the complaint but later recorded the complaint after being instructed by top police officials.
Meanwhile, current OC of Daulatpur Police Station Jahurul Islam said he joined the office on Monday and asked the victim’s family to lodge a fresh complaint.
Rahi said Mim’s father went to the police station on Wednesday night to file a case against Ezaz and his family members.
Meanwhile, locals formed a human chain in front of the body of the deceased Mim in Mirpur upazila of Kushtia demanding justice for her tragic death.
Participants said Mim was tortured for dowry.
They also demanded the exemplary punishment to Mim’s husband and her mother-in-law on murder charges.
