Today’s kids increasingly skip lunch

Weekend Plus Desk :
Skipping lunches have become a common trend amongst kids today, claims a new study.
According to new analysis of data from the 2009-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that evaluated eating patterns of 3,647 children ages 4-13 years, 13 per cent of younger children and 17 percent of 9-13 year olds skip lunch on a given day.
The study found that the behaviour persisted throughout the week with nearly a quarter of 9-13 year olds skipping lunch on the weekends.
These findings are of particular concern given that lunch skippers had lower intakes of nutrients, including calcium and fibre, than lunch consumers.
In addition, the data show that for some children, the lunch meal was primarily responsible for the higher essential nutrient intakes of vitamin D, potassium and magnesium, as well as a nutrient of concern, sodium.
Lead author of the study, Kevin Mathias, PhD and Scientist at the Nestle Research Centre said that the study highlights an opportunity for both government and the food industry to develop new strategies to encourage children and adolescents to consume a healthy lunch.
The findings were presented at the American Society of Nutrition conference.