Commentary: To save our children from brutalities we must worry the brutalities all around


Even in the midst of ruthless self-seekers we cannot be so heartless as to helplessly watch and tolerate our children being brutally killed. We have to think what a cruel society is gradually being constructed where cruelty of killing, raping and kidnapping is ascending with a sense of impunity.
The government calls itself a government of development where public accountability is irrelevant. But where cruelty in public life is justified that is no politics of rule of law. Chaos must prevail where the rule of law is absent.
The police have been politicized and they are deliberately being used more for saving the present political system than for preventing or fighting crime. The worst is, the judiciary also is not spared of being politicised. Those who talk of the rule of law, must know what is the rule of law.
The judiciary by making bail getting harder has created opportunity for wrong people to be arrested and locked in allowing criminals to frequently find ways of escaping. It is found that our criminals are very ‘honest’ in readily confessing to the police their crimes after they have spent time in police remand. There is no need for speedy justice. The persons remain in jail without bail. The issue is whether real criminals face trial or remain in jail.
It is a real shame that we have become so enslaved to the few selfish ones that we have to watch helplessly and feel sorry that the country has virtually become a lawless one for committing all sorts of crimes. Still there are some who will blame everybody else including our culture but not the practice in politics.
The people are lucky that the media is still trying to publish some news of brutal child killings, murders, forced disappearances, and incidents of individual and gang rape victims. It is apprehended that a time will come, not in distant future, if the present situation continues, when media will be stopped from publishing such news.
The Human Rights Commission demanded trial of police in connection with the killing by torture of a teenage boy Rajon in a public place (in Sylhet). The killers had the courage to take picture of the killing and upload it on facebook for publicity. Otherwise, it was possible that they could have managed to go undetected. The police were found cooperating with them.
The fact is that now the system of government as adopted depends too much on the politicized police. So demanding trial of some police officials is not going to help to go to the root of the problem of crime perpetuated in the country. Crimes are soaring and increased police cases are providing increased opportunities for different kinds of crime and harassment to the general innocent public.
So yet another 12 year boy was tortured to death in Khulna city on Monday. The police had no difficulty in terming the killing as barbaric and claiming that the culprits would not go unpunished. It is easier said than done.
On the same day’s news another minor boy’s body was found in a bag left near the Dhaka Medical College. Marks of injuries were found on different parts of his body.
According to a report by Mahila Parishad, only in the month of July 62 women and children were killed.
The families of victims cannot have any consolation from police cases when they know that many considerations will come to play and real criminals will be free and become a dangerous threat to their own safety.
The problem is how to have a government that is not so dehumanized as it is and can govern the country for the benefit of the people and deliver good governance.
To remain in power without election the government has become now a convert to socialism. The leftists of our country were waiting for this opportunity of riding on the shoulders of Awami League to impose socialism to suit them and their best interests. Otherwise, they could not have been a part of the government in their life time in Bangladesh.
Socialism by its nature is a ruthless revolutionary system. They are revolutionary and believe that killing is political revolution. Any fear of cruelty is helpful for socialism. The socialist leaders likes Stalin would have been hanged for genocide in a democratic country. But they are great leaders of humanity to the socialists.
Thus we are nurturing the cruel system of socialism and socialism survives through cruelty. So by our failure to save democracy, we are failing in saving people from the cruelty. Show us socialism anywhere without brutality.
