Commentary: To fight terrorism we must understand frustration of young ones


Terrorists are not the cause of terrorism, and whoever wants to go for the root cause of terrorism he has to know of frustration and resentment found, especially, among the younger generation because of the conditions of the country they live in. The wrongs and injustices of divisiveness and corruption they see around them affect them. They also do not see prospects for a better life for themselves. It cannot also be denied that the young ones are the most harassed ones in the fight against terrorism.Even for one’s brain washing you need to exploit a motive or his disturbed condition of mind. It is wrong to think that young ones from affluent background have no sensitivity about the present or future of their lives.It is no use fighting the victims of the disease while ignoring the disease. The police are under unbearable pressure, but they are not the solution. They can fight the criminals, not when their motives are not criminal but political. Killing terrorists do not kill terrorism.Police action is good for finding terrorists and recovering their weapons from hiding places. The police have been very efficient in arresting thousands of people on suspicion as terrorist. They have recovered some weapons. They are doing their best with their police power. It is the police who are bearing the brunt of burden for dealing with the crime of terrorism in police way. But terrorism is not just crime.The terrorists are motivated politically even when they use religion. The recent attack in Gulshan should have made clear that all of them are not motivated by religious fanaticism.It is agreed internationally that terrorism has a cause to fight for however nihilist it is. ISIS call themselves jihadists for the cause of establishing an Islamic State in the Middle East. So the cause is not Islam as religion but Islamist State as a political entity. And it is also agreed by many serious analysts that their overt cause is born of resentment against the wrongs and injustices flaunted on the Muslims by the West in countries of the Middle East.It is clear that these jihadists are not good as practicing Muslims and they have done more harm to Islam and killed more Muslims. They are angry and trained as fighters but not as how to be good Muslims.They are wrong in their ways of terrorism and killing, mostly innocent men, women and children. But one has to understand the cause — call it madness if you like, that propelled them to be dangerous for others as well as for themselves.The root cause of terrorism is anger and resentment. In other words terrorism is an act of desperation arising out of frustration with the existing unchangeable conditions confronting them.They know they cannot establish an Islamic State. They are using Islam as a banner to attract frustrated Muslims from all over to join them to vent their anger and frustration. They have money for the jobless young ones and weapons to fight with.As a fall out from international terrorism of ISIS and other jihadists, we find terrorism to spread in other Muslim countries where young ones are disillusioned and in despair for the conditions they have to live under in their own countries. Such resentment and anger of the younger generation must be met rationally and politically and not by using gun power. The problems of state have to be answered politically by responsible leadership.In yesterday’s The New Nation we published an article from the New York Times by Farhad Khosrokhavar a sociologist of international repute. In the article the author explaining to the cause of terrorist attack in Nice on Bastille Day celebration has this to say:”Above all, France has not been able to solve the problem of economic and social exclusion. Its system, which is too protective of those people who have jobs and not open enough to those who don’t, breeds angst all around. Young people in the banlieues, marginalised and with few prospects, feel like victims. They become prime targets for jihadist propaganda, often after a stint in prison for petty crimes.”We have people in power who do not appreciate that at a time of crisis all sensible people want to help the government to help the country. To seek solution from those who are the problem and do not see the problem as problem is at the root of our deteriorating situation. The country itself being at the centre of chaos and panic threatening every aspect of social and economic life. 
