Tk 35 lakh looted by muggers after killing businessman


UNB, Joypurhat :
Muggers looted Tk 35 lakh after killing a trader and injuring another at Parulia in the suburb of the district town on Sunday afternoon.
The deceased was identified as Al Mamun, 40, son of Mozammel Haque of Battala Latihati in Panchbibi upazila while the injured is Abdur Rahim alias Naru Miah, son of late Inchhan Ali of Mancha village in the same upazila.
Police and hospital sources said Mamun and Naru, vegetable wholesalers, had Tk 14 lakh with them and withdrew another amount of Tk 21 lakh from district town branch of Uttara Bank Ltd.
A gang of hoodlums in three motorcycles intercepted the motorbike of the traders at Parulia around 3:30pm while they were returning to their business establishments in Panchbibi with the amount.
The thugs beat the two traders and stabbed them indiscriminately.
Later, they shot at the duo and snatched the money before leaving the place. Locals and passersby whisked the traders off to Joypurhat Modern Hospital where doctors declared Mamun dead. The condition of Naru was also described as critical. Confirming the incident, police super of Joypurhat Hamidul Alam said they have launched a drive to arrest the muggers.
