Tipu for just price of RMG products in US market

Business Desk :
Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi on Sunday underscored the need for ensuring just price of Bangladeshi RMG products in the US market.
The commerce minister laid such emphasis when visiting Deputy Assistant of USTR Jeba Reazuddin met the minister at his office. US Ambassador to Dhaka Earl R Miller and other delegation members were present, said a ministry press release.
Tipu said after the Rana Plaza building tragedy, the country’s RMG sector went through a wholesale change while the RMG factories have been made modern and work-friendly.
He said that fire and building safety measures have been ensured side by side the workers are working in a safe and work-friendly environment.
Mentioning that the USA is a big market of the Bangladeshi RMG products, the minister said it is now an urgent need to ensure the just price of the Bangladeshi RMG products in US market.
The commerce minister said that Bangladesh is a suitable place for making investment and the country is expecting more US investment in the coming days.