Time-befitting leadership training for youths stressed

City Desk :
More other government and non-government organizations
concerned should come forward and work together to transform the youths into worthy citizens through imparting them with necessary leadership training, speakers at a youth training session said.
They termed the young generation as a vital power for the nation and viewed they must be built as active citizens through enhancing their level of confidence.
Time has come to generate leadership characteristics among them.
They said this yesterday while addressing the closing session of a four-day ‘Active Citizens Youth Leadership Training (ACYLT)’ at the Postal Academy in Rajshahi. “Globally Connected, Locally Engaged” was the main theme of the programme.
The Hunger Project-Bangladesh (THPB) and British Council jointly organised the training with the goal of creating a new generation of young leaders.
A total of 32 students including 15 girl students from different educational institutions in the metropolis took part in the course.