Tighter security for family of Bangabandhu


The government will provide round the clock security for members of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s family.
A circular issued on Monday says they will be entitled to dedicated transport with fuel cost borne by the state.
Cost of their utilities like, electricity, water, phone and internet will be also provided. The state will also provide for the cost of medical treatment in Bangladesh and abroad for them as well as pay for a personal assistant and aide for each. The public works department will be responsible for renovation and maintenance of their residences while the home ministry will take care of their security details.
The circular also asked for constant monitoring of residents of high-rise buildings around the residences of Bangabandhu’s family members.
It also instructed authorities to remove any establishment that could pose a threat.
The home ministry’s Political Wing -4 issued the order in keeping with the 2009 Act of security measures for the family.
Bangladesh became independent through the 1971 war of liberation, which emerged out of a movement led by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
On Aug 15, 1975, the nation’s founding father and most of his family members were assassinated.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her sister Sheikh Rehana survived because they were not in Bangladesh.
Hasina, the eldest daughter of Bangabandhu, is serving as the prime minister for two consecutive terms. The home ministry is one of her portfolios.
Her son Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed Joy is the ICT Advisor to the Prime Minister and daughter Saima Wazed Putul heads the national consultative committee for autism.
Bangabandhu’s other daughter, Sheikh Rehana lives in the UK.
Her elder daughter Tulip Siddiq has been elected as an MP from London constituency in the May 6 UK general polls and the other daughter Azmina Siddiq also lives in the UK.
Her son Radwan Mujib Siddiq lives in Dhaka now and is in charge of Awami League’s research arm, the Centre for Research and Information (CRI).
The home ministry order asks for adequate security personnel at residences of the family.
“Renovation, extension and maintenance of their own or government allotted homes will be managed by the public works department,” read the order.
It also asked authorities to provide a fully-equipped ambulance and a fire-truck at their residences.
The state will pay for an assistant, two attendants, cook, gardener and cleaner for each of the family members.
“Any other requirement needed for the family’s security will be provided by concerned ministries and departments,” the order says.
Authorities have been ordered to ensure security measures at the residences of the family members to thwart any kind of threat.
It also instructed to alter or remove any establishments near their homes, which is deemed as a security threat.
CCTV cameras along with security alarms will be installed and law enforcers have been instructed to ensure that everyone goes through a thorough search before entering those premises.
During the 1996-2001 Awami League term, a law providing security for the family was passed, which was annulled by the BNP-Jamaat alliance government soon after it took office.
In 2009, when the AL-led Grand Alliance formed the government, a new law was passed to provide security for Bangbandhu’s two daughters and their children.
