Three booters shortlisted from open trial


Three lucky U-12 footballers were selected and short-listed through an open trial on Sunday.
One of the 3 shortlisted players will represent Bangladesh in the Football for Friendship to be held in Russia in July.
The footballers are Daanial Karim Ansari, a student of class-7 of Australian International School in Dhaka, Golam Rabbi, a class six-student of Shahidnagar High School of Narayanganj and Sampad Hasan, a class six student of Hazi Ibrahim Alam Chand High School of Narayanganj.
BFF Development committee within a couple of days will select the lucky booter who will represent Bangladesh .
“Some 200 budding footballers including a dozen players from English Medium Schools took part in the trial and three have initially been selected.
The final one will be selected by BFF Development Committee within a short period of time,” said BFF technical coordinator BA Jubair Nipu on Sunday.
The selected player from Bangladesh will be playing as the striker in one of eight groups. Football and Friendship, an international children’s social project organized by FIFA and 2018 FIFA World Cup’s official partner Gazprom.
