Threat of `death bodies to be found everyday` by ruling party man


NEWS reports in national dailies on Monday said Mirpur Upazila Chairman in Kushtia district has threatened the Deputy Commissioner (DC) and Superintendent of Police (SP) of unending bloodbath if they attempt to stop tender business; which the Upazila Chairman and a syndicate made up of his men control in the district. The government’s party’s own men are challenging the authorities of government servants for allowing the crime to go unchecked. The threat that police would have to pick up dead bodies everyday if the District Administration stops the tender business only shows the lawlessness now gripping the nation. His anger is reportedly boiling when the authorities sealed some tender businesses at Kushtia Islamic University after the same syndicate reportedly pocketed Tk 12 crore from a work order of Tk 100 crore of Kushtia Medical College. Another story on December 5 said a local lawmaker of Chuadanga district and one of the whips of Parliament led a raid of unruly party men on a local police station to snatch two party workers. The lawmaker earlier sent his men to free them but as they failed he led the raid on the police station and assaulted on duty policemen in presence of senior district police officers who rushed to the spot to defuse the MP’s anger. Gun shoots were heard and five policemen were injured and hospitalized. In the capital, a ruling party supported councillor of Dhaka South City Corporation assaulted an Assistant Sub-Inspector of Kamrangirchar Police Station early this week. Reports said his colleagues remained bystanders fearing any protest would bring trouble for them. In fact slapping of police and government employees by ruling party men are often reported in the media and complaints were lodged with senior functionaries of the government. The Kushtia DC has also reported the matter to higher authorities concerned. Thus the government servants are under threat from the government’s own party men.
