Thousands protest Covid restrictions in New Zealand


Thousands of demonstrators marched on the New Zealand parliament to protest against Covid-19 restrictions Tuesday, prompting a major police deployment at the Wellington building known as theBeehive.
About 3,000 people, most not wearing masks, made their way through the capital’s city centre, including dozens of motorcyclists in biker gangmregalia performing burnouts.
Some attendees carried “Trump 2020” flags, while others bore signs carrying messages from Maori groups, those impacted by lockdowns, and teachers who face losing their jobs if they refuse vaccination.
Others targeted Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with slogans such as “Pro Choice, Anti Jacinda”, with “Media Lies” and “Media Treason” also prominent. The protest was peaceful, with demonstrators dispersing after performing a massed haka on the grounds of parliament. The traditional Maori haka is usedin a variety of ways-to intimidate rivals, to celebrate, but also to mourn.
Police said there were no arrests in Wellington, although they expressed disappointment over so many participants flouting corona virus restrictions. They said one officer was bitten at a separate small protest just outside Auckland when police were physically removing a demonstrator from the road.
Ardern said most New Zealanders supported her government’s virus response, citing figures showing almost 90 percent of the population had received theirfirst vaccination dose. “What we saw today was no representative of the vast bulk of New Zealanders,” she told reporters.
Ardern’s government has adopted a tough Covid-19 response, including hard lockdowns and tight border restrictions, which has seen New Zealand record only 31 virus deaths in a population of five million.
