This year’s record low temperature in Tetulia


Staff Reporter:The lowest temperature in this year has been recorded at 5.7 degrees Celsius in Tetulia upazila of Panchagarh district on Thursday morning.
`It is the lowest temperature recorded in this year,` said, Rahidul Islam, officer in charge of Tetulia Weather Observation Centre of Bangladesh Meteorological Department.
He said that presently the sky is almost free from cloud; the cold wind from Himalayan side is sweeping easily through the northern region.In Dhaka, the mercury was at 12.5 degrees Celsius at the same time. The abnormal cold weather disrupted normal life in the upazila. The poorer people of the area are passing hard time due to the cold wave
The extreme cold wave is not rare of the area. Earlier on January 8 last year, mercury fell to 2.6C in Tetulia, the lowest-ever recorded temperature in Bangladesh`s history.
The people are in fear more of such lowest temperature may take place this year.
Different areas of the country, especially Dhaka, Khulna, Barishal and Chattogram, might witness a light drizzle on Thursday evening. The temperatures in these regions might drop further as a result. But it might not lead to a cold wave, said Meteorologist Arif Hossain.
He said it may bring more low temperature in those areas.
