Commentary: There is hope because Americans and Muslims condemning Trump together


Donald Trump’s call to ban the entry of all Muslims in the USA has drawn swift and fierce blowback from all walks of the American society and many believe he is a problem and he should be shunned from politics if not from the USA to avoid divisiveness in the society. It is important to maintain unity among all religious communities. The US is a multiracial society and its character must hold the ground.
His comment has angered the US communities, which came after the shooting of 14 people in California by a Muslim couple. Even conservative political analyst like Ann Coutler spiked in condemnation and advised Trump saying ” Go Trump go” in her social media, because he has struck at the heart of the America’s racial unity.
As a natural reaction, the White House has denounced the provocative call of the presidential hopeful of the Republican party in next year’s election saying his words ‘disqualifies’ him to be a president. For Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner it is ‘reprehensive, prejudiced and divisive’ and in her view such man can’t make a President of all the United States. In her view the Republican presidential front-runner is “playing right into” the hands of terrorists.
The most blunt reaction came from the leaders of the Council on American Islamic Relation (CAIR) as one of its leaders said Trump had spoken like Hitler when he called to shut down of the Muslims from the American society. It echoed the policies enacted by Nazi Germany against the Jews. Council leaders said most Americans also say that Trump was playing into the hands of Islamic State, in fact he is a creation of IS and protecting its cause by creating anti-Muslim phobia in the US society.
An article published in The New York Times called Trump an agent of ISIS.
His comment has unleashed a political storm and though cheered by radical rights, Republican leaders already felt its pinch that may chase up to election and distancing them from the man some US TV stations projected recently in comedy shows performing like a physically disabled man.
Republican aspirant in next year’s polls Jeb Bush, whose father and one of the brothers were already President of the United States, has quickly dismissed the comment as not a serious proposal. But Hillary Clinton said he spoke what other Republican leaders also believe.
But former Republican Vice President Dick Cheny castigated the remark saying, “the idea goes against anything we stand for and believe in.” As it appears Trump’s remark has sparked widespread condemnation from almost all communities who believe the man has struck at the very ideal of the US society based on freedom, liberty and equality as Dick Cheny has pointed out.
What is noticeable is that the man has emerged as the hate campaigner against the Muslims in the USA and its reaction has already crossed the continental shelf. Over 3.7 lakhs Britons have already urged the UK government in a signature campaign that Donald Trump be banned from entering the UK because he has insulted the Muslims all over the world.
Even people in Bernadion where the killing took place and are still emotion stricken, are not backing calls of Trump to ban the Muslims from entering the USA. Some of their leaders were quoted in social media as saying America was not founded on that kind of principle – America is a land for every one.
There is hope for sanity and peace to prevail because the Americans and the Muslims are together condemning the insanity of Donald Trump. Don’t start a religious war that is what ISIS wants. Without the help of Muslims the West must know that they will not be able to defeat the religious fanatism and hatred ISIS stands for.
