Feature: The role of production engineering & planning in apparel industry

Amit K Biswas :
In an organisation, planning is the most basic of all the managerial functions. It is required to set goals and determine methods of achieving them. Planning is to decide what is to be done in future. In other words, planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.
Planning makes it possible for things to occur which would not otherwise happen. Planning is the thinking process, the organised foresight, the vision based on facts and experience that is required for intelligent action.
So, we can say, Good planning is done with both the present resources and the future ones to be acquired by the organization in mind.
Effective and accurate planning is essential for garment manufacturers to survive in present competitive apparel industry. Varying customer demands, shorter life cycles and changing fashion trends are amongst the factors that make accurate production planning important. Garments is not a business of “One Man Show” rather it is a Team-work where lot of people, agent, organizations, industries and manufacturers involve, more over all works has to be accomplished with in a given time frame to ship out the garments on time.
To avoid all such adverse situation we need to do proper planning to execute any order and measure the factory production capacity. So, manufacturers strive to fulfil requirements such as on time completion, short production lead-time and effective allocation of job order to specific production lines. People has got a general conception on planning they usually think it is only the sewing that needs planning, in fact it is not true, to ensure any shipment on time we need to plan for all the events and stages of work that on order has to undergo in various level like- procurement planning of yarn, Dyes, Chemicals etc, Knitting planning, Batching planning, Dyeing planning, Cutting planning, Printing planning, Embroidery Planning, Washing Planning, Finishing planning and finally inspection planning. However, effective production planning is the demand of time for garment manufacturers to survive in today’s competitive apparel industry.
Now we are discuss what is production engineering & planning and how to make a good plan to use intelligence and algorithms.
The engineering approach, which is used applied in every stage of production process of a product, is known as production engineering. Production engineering always ensures smooth production; Involves with a maintenance management and applied an every stages of production. On the other hand production planning is a suitable and clear study and pre-arranging the technique involve to a long series of operation for achieving best possible time by using man, machine and materials present in industry. In other words, planning is to think before acting and to act in the light of facts rather guesses. Thus, it involves investigation and analysis of facts and circumstances to find out ways and means by which it is to be done. Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go. Planning makes it possible for things to occur which would not otherwise happen. According to Alford and Beatty, “Planning is the thinking process, the organized foresight, the vision based on facts and experience that is required for intelligent action.”
American production and Inventory control society (APICS) Dictionary says about production planning, “A process to develop tactical plans based on setting the overall level of levels of sales (Sales plan or forecasts), while meeting general business objectives of profitability, productivity, competitive customer lead time, and so on, as expressed in the overall business plan. The sales and production capabilities are compared, and a business strategy that includes a sales plan, a production plan, budgets, pro forma financial statements, and supporting plans for materials and workforce requirements, and so on, is developed. One of its primary purposes is to establish production rates that will achieve management’s objective of satisfying customer demand by maintaining, raising, or lowering inventories or backlogs, while usually attempting to keep the workforce relatively stable. Because this plan affects many company functions, it is normally prepared with information from marketing and coordinated with the functions of manufacturing, sales, engineering, finance, materials and so on.”
So, we can say, A planning work brings success. Without planning nothing is complete within the required time. Though planning gives a scheduled task and control completes it successfully but production planning and controlling is not an easy task.
In an apparel industry production engineering and planning or production planning and control department is one of the most important department.
A planning professionals makes plan to follow mainly two area: Pre production stage and Bulk production stage which has called PPC (Production Planning and Control). Maximum manufacturing company have been facing supply chain, Low productivity and ship schedule problem, which has happened from pre production stage, and bulk production stage both. Pre production stage are: All kind of sample submission & approval, All kind of strike off submission & approval, yearn status (specially blended yearn), knit down submission & approval, dye lot submission & approval, Trim card approval etc. Bulk production stage is: On time fabric receive, accessories receive, print support, Embroidery support, washing support as well as input support etc. To execute them a planner makes two type of plan. (1) Pre production planning, (2) Bulk Production planning. To make a good plan a planning professionals have to follow T&A (time and Action) and CPM (Critical Path Management).
Standard Planning basic working procedure is as follows:
It is only a basic procedure. It may change according to the type of different orders. In apparel industry all planning is depends based on line planning. So, here line planning is very much important. Which has done based on shipment date. After completing line planning we have to back calculation for fabric, accessories planning and others planning except finishing and shipping plan.
To execute a better plan we have to know PPC (Production planning and control). By using PPC concept, management can keep close look whether everything is progressing according to plan also ship schedule.
Now we discuss the benefit of line planning in an apparel industry:
Line means sewing production line or production batch. Each line contains a set of machines to make garments for mass production and set of machines very depending on product category. Line planning is scheduling and allocating of orders to production lines according to production setting and due dates of production completion. A line plan defines when a style is going to be loaded to the line, how many pieces to be expected (target) from the line and when order to be completed. Target should be set up according to the selected styles SMV/SAM [Standard minute value/ standard allocated minute), SAM earners / total manpower (operator and helper), line efficiency, product category, fabrication etc. During booking orders or allocating orders to the production lines, planners must check what is running on the line and how many days it will take to complete the running style.
Now our question, what is the benefit of line planning? If we ask a production guy that how they plan their production time line and what is actual production capacity or their lines or factory for different product. If they have proper planning they can calculate clearly but without planning their answer will come form on the basis of assumption from their experience only. Which is occurred shipment delay, Air fright even order cancelling, increase over time etc. So production planning is helps production manager as well as line supervisor with information such as what is they daily production target for line. They set their line (machines and manpower) accordingly. Line plan also provides information such as how many days style would run, what the next style is going to be loaded, what is shipment date etc.
For a better planning we can reduce cost to minimise the idleness of men and machine, avoid rush order or improve overleaping of production and improve bottlenecks. Also benefits to workers adequate wages, stable employment, Job security, improved working conditions, increased personal satisfaction and high morale. So, we can say in apparel industry production, engineering and planning are essential for garment manufacturers to survive in present competitive apparel industry. n
[Amit K Biswas is an expert of fast react software and AGM, Planning (Corporate) Metro Knitting & Dyeing Mills Ltd]