The auspicious night: Let us preach tolerance


LAILAT-UL-BARAAT means Barat Night-also known as Shab-e-Baraat in Persian, is a Muslim event, celebrated on the 15th of the month of Sha’ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. The night of Shab-e-Baraat also commemorates the entry of Muhammad into the city of Mecca. The night of mid-Sha’ban is known as Lailatul Bara’ah or Lailatun Nisfe min Sha’ban in the Arab world, and as Shab-e-Baraat in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan and Nepal. These names are translated as ‘the night of records’, ‘the night of assignment’ and ‘the night of deliverance’. The observance involves a festive nightlong vigil with prayers; in some regions, this is also a night when one’s deceased ancestors are commemorated.According to Muslim tradition, this night is called Shab-e-Baraat (“the night of freedom”) because Allah frees His sinful servants who were destined for Jahannam (the Muslim notion of Hell). A person’s life in the coming year, his sustenance, and whether or not they will have the opportunity to perform Hajj (pilgrimage) shall be decided on this night. The names of the souls of all those who are born and of all those who are to depart from this world are determined. One’s actions are raised and sustenance sent down. This is all part of Islamic eschatology.Some though see Shab-e-Baraat as the night of good fortune and a popular legend says that on this night the Prophet visits each house and relieves the pains of suffering humanity. According to sources it is said that on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgiveness are opened wide. But, there is some special “Not Dos” for this night; For example One who creates disunity among two Muslims and the person who unjustly takes away the right and property of another Muslim and has not yet rectified himself, these persons are not shown Mercy on this auspicious Night.It is our fervent hope that people of all walks of life — especially our leaders, will remember the ideals and the vision behind the celebration of this auspicious night, and try to follow the examples which are supposed to be followed – namely the need for the creation of harmony and unity in the nation and the rectification of wrongs between Muslims. As those who lead the nation they should most stringently follow the lessons to be heeded from the celebration of this day and try to create unity and preach tolerance. This is ultimately what will make them into dynamic leaders and outstanding human beings.
