Teachers, students want punishment of Nitu’s killer

UNB, Shariatpur :
Teachers and students of Nabagram High School in Kalkini upazila of Madaripur on Monday demanded exemplary punishment of the killer of its student Nitu Mondal who was hacked to death on Sunday, reportedly by a stalker.
They formed the human chain on the school premises around 11m and made the demand. Speaking at the human chain, Nabagram High School headmaster Sahadeb Chandra Baroi said Nitu, a nine grader, was a brilliant student as she secured
GPA-5 in Junior School Certificate (JSC) examination. “We all are deeply shocked over her brutal murder.” He demanded the government ensure exemplary punishment of Nitu’s killer so that no one dares repeat such a barbaric incident. Nitu’s classmates demanded the killer be hanged through a prompt trial. Milon Mondal, son of Biren Mondal, who used to stalk Nitu Mondal, daughter of Nirmal Mondal, hit the girl with a sharp weapon in her abdomen, leaving her critically injured. She died on the way to the local health complex. Locals caught Milon and handed him over to police. The victim’s father filed a murder case with Dasar Police Station at night.