Teachers , employees of non-govt edn institutions demand national pay scale

Barisal Correspondent :
Teachers and employees of non-government educational institutions held grand agitation rally in Barisal on Wednesday noon demanding inclusion in national pay scale and job nationalization.
The grand agitation rally in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall was organised by Jatiya Shikkhak Karmachari Front, Barisal divisional unit followed by agitation -procession on city roads after ending of the grand rally.
It was presided over by Principal Mohsin Ul Islam Habul, divisional convener of the front and participated by hundreds of teachers-workers from different districts of the division.
It was addressed among others by Sirajuddin Ahmed, historian and educationist former secretary, Principal Asadul Huq, central convener, Azizul Islam, member Secretary, Jebunnesa, Amina Islam, Zia Shahin, Gouranga Kundu, Bipul Bihari, Aminur Rahman Khokan, Mujibor Rahman, Harunor Rashid Khan, AKM Shawkat Hossain, Kazi Md. Ismail, leaders of JSKF.
Speakers of the divisional grand agitation rally said government yet not declared inclusion of teachers and employees of non-government educational institutions in the prepared new pay-scale, nor declared separate pay-commission for them.
But teachers and employees of government educational institutions as government service holders automatically be included in the prepared pay-scale, they noticed.
Leaders of the organizations also criticized the discriminatory role of present government about the teachers and employees of government and non-government educational institutions.
However education would never be standardized till the discrimination s between government and non-government educational institutions would not be removed, the JSKF leaders said.
They also criticized too much politicization of educational institutions in different times due to which teachers often cannot perform their teaching duty without obstructions.
Addition to the demand of inclusion in new pay scale by job nationalization, their other demands included quick implementation of the National Education Policy 2010, increase of house rent, medical and festival allowances, annual increment for the teachers and employees of non-government institutions equal as the government educational institutions and fixing the retirement age of teachers at 65 and immediate implementation of the manpower structure of 2010.