Teacher Shyamal reinstated

School body dissolved, Salim Osman won't bend

Federation of University Teachers’ Association formed a human chain in front of the Oporajeo Bangla of Dhaka University on Thursday protesting assault on school teacher Shyamal Kanti in Narayanganj.
Federation of University Teachers’ Association formed a human chain in front of the Oporajeo Bangla of Dhaka University on Thursday protesting assault on school teacher Shyamal Kanti in Narayanganj.

SM Mizanur Rahman :Ministry of Education has reinstated the suspended Headmaster Shyamal Kanti Bhakta in Narayanganj and dissolved the school governing body over public humiliation of the teacher on allegation of hurting religious sentiments.”Shyamol Kanti Bhakta has been reinstated in his job after six days of humiliation. Besides, as per the High Court directive, the governing body of Piyar Sattar School in Narayanganj has also been dissolved,” Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid told journalists at his secretariat office on Thursday. He added: A new managing committee has been formed with the deputy commissioner of Narayanganj district as its head to run the school.”The probe body formed to investigate the incident found the allegation of making remarks against Islam is baseless,” the Education Minister said.Meanwhile, Jatiya Party lawmaker Selim Osman has said that he would not seek apology for forcing the headmaster over publicly humiliating him. “To whom I should apologise? To the teacher? The question doesn’t arise to say sorry even if I die. I have evidence against him. He (headmaster) thanked me on this letter-head paper of the school for saving his life,” the lawmaker told journalists at a press conference at Narayanganj Press Club yesterday.  “I did not humiliate a teacher, I gave punishment to a person who made offensive comments on Allah,” he said. Selim Osman said Shyamal Kanti confessed to him that he had made the remarks about religion mistakenly and did the stand and sit holding his ears willingly to save himself from public wrath. While talking to journalists Shyamal Kanti, who is now under treatment at Narayanganj Sadar Hospital rejected Selim Osman’s statement saying he accepted the humiliation willingly.”Selim Osman slapped me four times at my left and right face and compelled me to stand and sit holding my ears,” he said. Replying to a query about hurting religious sentiment, Shyamal Kanti categorically said that he did not make any remarks against Islam.”A conspiracy was at work against me to oust me from the school. As part of the conspiracy, they accused me of hurting religious sentiment,” he said.He said on that day in the morning, some locals beat up him and in the afternoon Selim Osman slapped him and compelled him to stand and sit holding his earsOn May 13, Shyamal Kanti Bhakta, headmaster of Piyar Sattar Latif High School in Bandar area, was beaten up by a mob and humiliated him in presence of lawmaker AKM Selim Osman.The incident went viral on the social media triggering widespread public outcry across the country.
