Tanore Upazila complex declared bird sanctuary

BSS, Rajshahi :
Tanore Upazila complex in the district has been declared as bird sanctuary yesterday in an effort to protect and conserve the biodiversity from further degradation.
Upazila Administration took the initiative in association with Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK) and Tanore Youth Forum. The effort will ensure safe habitat, atmosphere and breeding for birds.
Omor Faruque Chowdhur, MP, made the declaration as chief guest saying all concerned should put in their level best efforts to make the initiative successful and sustainable.
Upazila Chairman Imran Ali Mollah, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Shawkat Ali, Assistant Commissioner (Land) Nilufar Yeasmin, Officer-in-Charge of Tanore Police Station Mirja Abdus Salam, BARCIK Regional Coordinator Shahidul Islam and Farmer Yousuf Ali Mollah were present there.
Lawmaker Faruque Chowdhury voiced for time-befitting measures for conservation of biodiversity in the vast Barind tract.
He mentioned that the biodiversity is gradually declining due to various natural and manmade catastrophes posing a serious threat to the whole ecosystem. He called for mass awareness campaign and state intervention to protect the biodiversity.
During his concept paper presentation, BARCIK Regional Coordinator
Shahidul Islam said school, college and university level students need proper knowledge about the importance of biodiversity, natural resource conservation and climate change issues so that they can contribute to this end.
There is no way but to conserve natural resources in the region to face the adverse impact of climate change for the greater interest of future generations.
In the wake of abnormal declining of natural resources like native crop seeds, fish and birds species and other wildlife, conservation of natural resources has become indispensable for facing the adverse impacts of climate change.
He opined that many native crops and vegetable varieties are gradually declining. Native fish species, particularly the small indigenous ones are on the verge of extinction due to climate change.
Importance should be given to capacity building to address climate change in the region with special reference to conservation of drought tolerant species.