Tamim survives an injury scare


Bangladesh’s opening batting star Tamim Iqbal could not take part in Tigers’ practice session today after returning from Chittagong due to minor injury.
Captain of the Red team Tamim after playing a loose shot got himself out for 29 on the last day of a three-day match in Chittagong on Friday. The dashing opener out of frustration swung his bat just before entering the dressing room.
As he pushed open the door of the dressing room, the glass broke down. Tamim lost his balance and fell on the broken glasses. But he was lucky to escape with minor injuries as he was wearing helmet and pads. However, the broken glass cut him in the stomach resulting in blood loss.
Rabid Imam, Media Manager of Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB), while talking to BSS on telephone informed the total episode. He said, “Tamim’s injury is minor and hopefully, he would join the practice within two to three days. It was a freakish accident and thanks to Almighty Allah he was able to avoid any serious injury.”
Tamim had four stitches on his stomach. The injury will be assessed after the stitches are cut.
