DU BCL committees: Suspended leaders picked up


Rayhanul Islam :
Several leaders, who were suspended from the organisation in the past for immoral activities, have been accommodated in the Bangladesh Chhatra League’s new committees formed in the 18 residential halls of Dhaka University (DU).
The BCL on Tuesday announced its committees in all 18 residential halls of DU as the tenure of the previous committees expired more than three and a half years ago.
The tenure of the university unit also expired five months ago.
A number of Chhatra League leaders alleged that they had not been picked up for the committees, as the syndicate led by former BCL President Liakat Sikdar did not bless them.
Brushing aside the allegation against him, Liakat Sikder told The New Nation on Wednesday that he did not influence any BCL leader nor he knew any one, for getting accommodation in the new hall committees.
`As a former president, I am maintaining communication with the BCL senior leaders, but the allegation against me to influence the committees is totally false’, he said.
A number of `deprived’ leaders seeking anonymity said people with criminal background got posts in the new bodies, but several dedicated workers have been ignored.
Russel Ahmed Tahsan, the new President of SM Hall committee, was allegedly involved with drug business. Moreover, he was handed over to police earlier on March 4 in 2015 on the charge of stalking girls and beating the fellow workers.
The General Secretary of SM Hall Mahedi Hasan Taposh was suspended for torturing journalists on April 14 in 2013.
Meanwhile, Ziaur Rahman Hall new President Yusuf Uddin Khan allegedly clubbed a journalist, while Sir AF Rahman Hall President Hafizur Rahman was allegedly connected with room business.
Brushing aside the allegations, BCL, DU unit, President Abid Al Hasan said, ‘Chhatra League was formed with the ideals of the Bangabandhu. There is no room for controversial leaders in this party’.
‘After properly reviewing, past activities of the candidates, we selected them as Presidents and Secretaries. If they have any link with illegal activities, we will take organizational step’.
