Supreme Court Day Dec 18


News Desk :
The ‘Bangladesh Supreme Court Day-2021’ will be observed through various programmes on the court premises on December 18, reports BSS.
Marking the day, a discussion will be held at Supreme Court Judges’ Sports Complex at 3pm on the day, said a press release here on Saturday.
Judges of the both divisions of the Supreme Court, attorney general, former attorney generals, senior lawyers, additional attorney generals, deputy attorney generals, executive committee members of the Supreme Court
Bar Association and other members will be present at the programme.
The members of the Supreme Court Bar Association, who want to join the programme,
have to get online registration between December 12 and 14 by browsing the link to be available on the Supreme Court website.
The participants have to collect the invitation cards from 124 no room of the main complex of the apex court.
The Supreme Court of independent Bangladesh was established on 16 December, 1972. As the day is a public holiday, the first court hearing was held on December 18.
Commemorating the day, a full court meeting of the Supreme Court on 25 October 2017 decided to observe the Supreme Court Day on 18 December every year.
