Sunlight at workplace influences performance


Life desk :A study has found that having less or no daylight in offices can impact workers’ efficiency adverselyBe warned. Those sleek, windowless, all-steel work places or even ones with heavy blinds may up the stylish interiors ante, but could also be doing a disservice to employees. A new study claims that natural day light in workplaces has a positive impact on employees. Experts at Northwestern Medicine and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that office workers with more light exposure at the office had longer sleep duration, better sleep quality, more physical activity and better quality of life compared to office workers with less light exposure in the workplace. So, if you’re feeling drained or fed up, don’t just do a digital detox or take a vacation. Instead, try getting enough sunlight!How daylight impacts the workforce: Lends positive vibes: Open offices with natural light encourages a positive attitude. In today’s times people have become accustomed to buildings without windows or being in closed cubicles. But it is also one of the factors that leaves them feeling irritable and totally drained out by day end.Improves focus: Another study spoke of how sitting next to the window in an office can actually double your alertness and build a better focus, versus sitting under artificial lights. Employees in windowless offices were seen to suffer from insufficient sleep, memory loss and slower reflexes. A site quoted an expert as saying most people in dimly or artificially-lit offices and homes were ‘light deprived’. But being in the sunlight can reverse that and actually energise them.Leads to better creativity: Exposure to sunlight also helps the brain function better. Having a brighter atmosphere lends a happier vibe to the place, improves the mood and thus, fosters efficient teamwork.THE MAGIC OF SUNLIGHT: It’s been called a healer, germ-killer and life-enhancer and now, more and more experts are talking of the connection between daylight and better health. Here are reasons why you should grab its benefits:1. Sunlight, especially the first rays of the morning, can do you a world of good. Not only do practitioners of yoga advocate doing asanas and pranayams in the morning, but it is also the best time to do a brisk walk or go for a run.2. Having trouble sleeping? Just do a 30-minute walk in the morning sun. Research suggests this light exposure helps to regulate the body clock and yields better sleep.3. Light is also known to cure depression. A large part of recovery therapy for anxiety and depression is about being in outdoors and taking in the fresh air. Any physical activity outside can lower blood pressure levels and the stress hormone, cortisol.4. It’s one of the biggest sources of vitamin D. UV light from the sun is absorbed through your skin and it produces Vitamin D, which plays several roles, including promoting serotonin production. Sunlight is also necessary for a glowing skin as it increases inhalation of fresh air and oxygen intake to the cells.5. Being in the sunlight also reduces risk of other diseases such a type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosisIDEAL OFFICES: Aim for a work space that takes advantage of natural light. Remove smaller walls and partitions and have windows that let natural daylight in. There must be an open area to walk about in. Open rooms bathed in natural light allow for individual creative space to collaborate on ideas. Keep ergonomic chairs and potted plants all along hallways or by windows.HOW TO FIT IT INTO YOUR SCHEDULE: Practise yoga, do a walk or run outdoors every morning.·If you are time-bound, try a 20-minute walk around the block at lunch hour.-Times of India
