Sudan protesters, army rulers in breakthrough talks over civil rule


AFP, Hartoum :
Sudanese protesters Sunday welcomed a breakthrough in talks with army rulers who agreed to form a joint civilian-military council, paving the way for a civilian administration as demanded by demonstrators.
Saturday’s agreement would replace the existing 10-member military council that took power after the army ousted veteran leader Omar al-Bashir on April 11 amid massive protests.
“What happened yesterday is a step to have a civilian authority,” said Mohamed Amin, one of thousands of demonstrators who have been camped for weeks outside headquarters.
“We are happy by the progress in the talks, but we are still waiting for the composing of the council and the civilian government.”
The joint civilian-military council will be the overall ruling body, while a new transitional civilian government is expected to be formed to run the day to day affairs of the country, a key demand of protesters.
That civilian government will work towards having the first post-Bashir elections.
“When we have a civilian government, then we can say our country is on the right track,” said Amin. The demonstrators said they will pursue their sit-in until a civilian administration is set up.
“Last night’s agreement is a step forward in the stability of our country. But I don’t think we will leave the sit-in until we achieve our demand of a civilian government,” said protester Sawsan Bashir.
Protest leader Ahmed al-Rabia confirmed to AFP the decision of forming a joint council.
“We are now in consultation about what percentage of the council should be represented by civilians and how much by the military,” said Rabia, who is involved in talks.
Activists say the new council could be a 15-member body, with eight civilians and seven army generals.
