PM's UNGA speech: Success in fight against militancy top agenda

UNB, Dhaka :
While delivering her speech at the 71st United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will highlight Bangladesh’s success in containing terrorism and militancy.
She will share the expectations of Bangladesh in getting support from the international community in its journey towards development. Issues relating to global peace and security, establishing democracy and the rule of law, women empowerment, realising the rights of migrant workers, poverty alleviation and challenges of climate change will also be featured in her speech. “As previous years, the Prime Minister will deliver her speech in Bangla,” said Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali while addressing a press conference at Foreign Ministry on Sunday afternoon describing her engagements.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque and other senior officials of the Foreign Ministry were present at the press briefing. On September 18, Sheikh Hasina will arrive in New York from Montreal, Canada. She is expected to lead a 70-member Bangladesh delegation in the UNGA. The Foreign Minister said the UNGA, this year, carries a special significance for a number of reasons, including global migration and refugee problems, the rise of terror attacks at various parts of the world, climate change and challenges ahead while implementing sustainable development goals.
“World leaders will remain active to take more effective efforts under the UN to overcome the challenges following rise of terror attacks in various parts of the world including militant attacks in Dhaka,” he added. The Foreign Minister said a number of member countries, including Bangladesh, will ratify the historic Paris Climate Agreement. The deal will come into effect once 55 member countries ratify it.
On September 19, the Bangladesh Prime Minister will deliver the country statement at a high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants at the UN headquarters, according to her programme schedule. She will co-chair Roundtable 5 ‘Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration: Towards Realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Achieving Full Respect for the Human Rights of Migrants’.
On September 20, Sheikh Hasina will attend the opening session of the General Debate of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly. She will later join the Asian Leaders’ Forum on Countering Terrorism to be hosted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Hotel Marriot Eastside. On the sidelines, the Prime Minister will also attend an event on South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Scaling up Innovation in Public Service Delivery to be organised by Bangladesh, UN Office for South-South Cooperation at the Conference Room 2 of the UN headquarters. She is expected to attend the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees to be organised by US President Barak Obama. She is likely to participate in a reception to be hosted by Barack Obama.
On September 21, Hasina is scheduled to join the Launching Event of the Global Deal Initiative (on enhanced social dialogue for decent work and inclusive growth) to be organised by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén. She will attend the Meeting of High-level Panel on Water at the Conference Room 8 of the UN headquarters. The Prime Minister will deliver the statement at the General Debate of the 71st Session of the UN General at the General Assembly Hall in the afternoon the same day. She will also attend a luncheon reception to be hosted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the UN headquarters and a luncheon meeting to be hosted by the Business Council of International Understanding (BCIU) at Hotel Waldorf Astoria.
She will attend a reception to be organised by the Bangladesh community at Hotel Grand Hyatt, New York on Sept 21 and address a press briefing at the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in New York on September 22.
On the sidelines of the UNGA, Hasina will hold bilateral meetings with a number of heads of state and government, including State Counsellor and Foreign Minister of Myanmar Aung Saan Suu Kyi, President of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann, as well as Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland and the Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Bank president.
On September 22, Hasina will leave New York for Virginia by road and on September 25, she would depart Dulles International Airport, Washington DC for home by an Emirates Airways flight.
The flight carrying Sheikh Hasina is scheduled to land at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka via Dubai at 5:20 pm on September 26.