Suborna, Asad share silver screen after 33 years


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Friendship between Raisul Islam Asad and Suborna Mustafa started when started to perform together in theatre group, Dhaka Theatre. From that estimation their friendship has already crossed four decades. As a pair, they not only enthralled on stage performance but also worked together in many TV plays and serials. They also shared silver screen together.
In 1980, as a pair, Asad and Suborna acted and Syed Salauddin Zaki directed movie Ghuddi was released. Their outstanding performance attracted the viewers. Later, they also performed as a pair in Syed Hasan Imam’s movie Lal Sabujer Pala, Kazi Zahir’s movie Notun Bou and in 1984, Kajol Arefin’s Suruj Mia and Belal Ahmed’s Noyon-er Alo. Then they did not seen to work together in any other movie.
After a break of 33 years, viewers will again watch them on the screen as a pair in Badrul Anam Soud scripted and directed movie Gohin Baluchar. They will be seen to play in role of two heads of two families in the movie. Asad and Suborna played in roles of Latif and Asma respectively.
While sharing his feelings to work with his long time friend in big screen after a long time break Raisul Islam Asad told this correspondent, “Basically our friendship started after three to four years of Liberation War. It seems like we are in childhood days now. In fact, we always feel we are reamining in a family. With long time friendship our bondage is so strong that it will not break easily. We have better understanding between us in case of professional activities. I am very much optimistic about Soud and his directed first movie Gohin Baluchar.”
Suborna shared her feelings by this way, “There is few number of good friendships like us which also help to work together. Gohin Baluchar is our country’s movie. We are very much optimistic about this movie which is scheduled to be released across the country on December 29.”
