Remarks on Martyrs: Submission of probe report against Khaleda, Gayeshwar deferred

Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court on Thursday deferred the submission of the probe report in a defamation case against BNP Chief Begum Khaleda Zia and the party’s Standing Committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy lodged in connection with their remarks about the number of Martyrs in the Liberation War of 1971 and their comments about
the intellectuals of the country.
Magistrate Zakir Hossain Tipu of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka fixed March 30 for submission of the report, as the Investigation Officer of the case did not submit the report to the court on Thursday.
On February 5, Jananetri Parishad President AB Siddiqui filed the case with the CMM Court for disseminating confusing remarks about the number of Martyrs and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s contribution to the country’s independence war.
Earlier, on December 21, last year, Begum Khaleda Zia allegedly said in a public meeting that there were controversies about how many people were martyred in the War of Liberation.