Subhash Dutta’s Bondona releasing album


Entertainment Report :It was 2008. Late noted legendary director and actor Subhash Dutta met Sithi in a programme at Ramkrishna Mission. To keep in mind Sithi’s welfare, he changed her name. Subhash Dutta gave Sithi a new name, Bondona during that time. From that time Sithi became familiar among all as classical singer Bondona. Bondona said, “My parents became happy because a legendary person like Subhash Dutta changed my name and called me Bondona. Now Subhash dadu is not alive. He will alive by my name, Bondona.”Subhash Dutta’s Bondona’s first solo album titled Swapne Pawa Atripto Atma is going to release under the banner of Fahim Music on the occasion of upcoming Valentine’s Day. There are nine tracks in the album. Dr Sheikh Jalil, Muhammad Muzakker and Bondona herself have written lyrics of the songs. Mokhlesul Islam Nilu and Bondona have composed tunes and music of the tracks of the album. Badrul Alam Bokul has given music direction. Recently Bondona has play-backed in a movie directed by popular singer Ferdous Wahid. Bondona started her music career with the hands of her mother Seema Chakraborty when she was only four years old. Later she received training on classical music from late Ustad Nitai Kundu, Ustad Subrata Dhar and Ustad Salauddin. She lastly received training from renowned classical singer Arnab Banerjee for three years. Bondona first gave her vocal for the title track of a play Obosheshey Ekdin, which was directed by late Subhash Dutta. Besides Bangla, she can render song well in Germany, Tamil, Monipuri languages. She can render Tagore, Nazrul songs and ghazal well. She is fond of Manna Dey’s songs, Bondona said.
