Student drowned in Gafargaon


Gafargaon Correspondent :
A student of Anand Mohan College was drowned while swimming at Guingar Beel in Pithol Union of Gafargaon on Sunday.
The deceased Saimur Rahman Sayem (22) is the son of Late Abdur Rahman of the area and a second year graduate student of Anand Mohan University College.
According to local and family sources, the deceased Sayem along with his two brothers Anik and Zobair went swimming in Guingar Bill’s fish project water. They across the bill once.On the way back Anik and Zobair although able to cross but Siam drowned in water. On the shouts of Anik and Zobair the neighbors came and rescued Siam’s body from the water of the bill. Local UP Chairman Aktaruzzaman Dhali confirmed the incident.
