Strong tremor jolts country


Staff Reporter :
A strong earthquake jolted the country, including Dhaka on Wednesday, a day after the country was jolted by a minor one.
The latest quake, epic center of which was in neighboring Myanmar, struck many parts of the country. No casualty was reported instantly. The quake occurred at 4:37pm.
According to United States Geological Survey (USGS), the tremor of 6.8 in Richter scale originated at Chauk some 25 km in the west Myanmar.
Dhaka University Earth Observatory Curator Professor Syed Humayun Akhter told The New Nation that the earthquake’s epicentre was at Chauk, some 500 kilometres from Dhaka, at a depth of 84 kilometers.
Citizens in Dhaka were seen to take shelters on the streets. Office buildings in the capital Dhaka shook for almost 12 seconds.
The quake was felt in the south and the southwestern of Bangladesh close to the border with Myanmar. “All of us ran to the streets leaving the houses and shops uncared as the quake seemed very dangerous,” Nazmus Sakib from the southern city of Chittagong close to the Myanmar border wrote on his Facebook wall.
Earlier on Tuesday morning, a mild tremor, measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale, shook the country.
The quake also shook up buildings in Myanmar’s biggest city of Yangon and in other towns and cities.
Office buildings in the Thai capital of Bangkok, to the east of Myanmar, shook for a few seconds, residents there said.
