Strong movement to restore democracy soon: Khaleda

BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia addressing a mammoth rally of 20-party alliance held at the Nilphamari Boromath on Thursday.
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia addressing a mammoth rally of 20-party alliance held at the Nilphamari Boromath on Thursday.

UNB, Bogra :BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Thursday warned that they will launch a strong movement for restoring democracy and the rule of law in the country through ousting the Awami League government.”This time, we’ll return home after ousting the AL government and restoring democracy and the rule of law in the country. Our victory is certain as people are with us,” she said.The BNP chief was addressing a mammoth rally at Nilphamari Boro ground to drum up public support in favour of their demand for a fresh election under a non-partisan interim government.”After carrying out a mass contact, I’ll tell you when and how the movement will be launched. There’ll be no one-party rule in the country as multiparty democracy will be restored,” she told the rally.Khaleda Zia claimed that no country around the globe has recognised the current ‘illegal regime’ formed through the January-5 election that the BNP-led 20-party alliance and some other political parties boycotted.”Don’t think you (AL) have got recognition by only staging photo sessions. No country will recognise you as there’s no democracy in the country,” she said.The former Prime Minister further said, “Foreigners knew that this government was not formed with people’s votes. So, they won’t recognise it.”Terming the government a champion in spreading falsehoods, Khaleda alleged the current government is holding office based on lies as it got isolated from the people of the country. “But no one can stay in office for long just based on falsehoods.”She regretted that though people had waged a strong movement across the country before January-5 election, her party could not do it in the capital.Criticisng the government for filing a fresh case against her by a ruling party man for hurting religious sentiment, Khaleda said, “It’s Awami League that hurts people’s religious sentiment, capture the houses and property of Hindus and destroy their idols. We don’t do business with religion, it’s rather Awami League which does it.”She also condemned the attack on a peaceful rally of people against ex-minister Latif Siddique’s offensive remarks on Haj and Tablig.The whole town wore a festive look as hundreds of archways were erected on its different streets and entry points. Most shops in the town were closed and people with huge enthusiasm participated in the rally.In her around 50-minute speech, the BNP chief condemned the government for what she said its misdeeds and misrule, growing repressive acts like killings and enforced disappearances, and failure to run the country.Khaleda accused the government of indulging in widespread corruption and plundering, while the ruling party men of depositing thousands of crores of taka in Swiss Bank. “People want to know who have deposited whose money in the Swiss Bank?”
