Stripped naked, female SSC examinee attempts suicide

UNB, Gopalganj :
In an attempt to end her life after three stalkers stripped her naked and took video footage of it, a female SSC examinee has taken poison at Kandi village in Kotalipara upazila.
Lying on a hospital bed, the victim narrated the nefarious incident to reporters.
She said she was taking preparation for the examination sitting on the corridor of their house on Sunday night (Feb 5) when her parents were asleep.
As she was going to the washroom away from the house, three miscreants-Samrat Mondal, son of Shridham Mondal; Sajal Biswas, son of Bankim Biswas; and Mithu Basu, son of Nirmal Basu of the village-swooped on her, gagged her and took her to the washroom.
Later, the trio stripped her naked, took a video footage of the incident and threatened to upload the video clip on the social media if she discloses the incident, she said.
Following the incident, the girl took poison in a bid to take her own life.
After noticing the incident, family members took her to Kotalipara Upazila Health Complex and then shifted her to Gopalganj General Hospital.
She was now undergoing treatment at the upazila hospital and her condition was improving.
The victim claimed that Samrat used to harass her on her way to and from school as she turned down his love proposal.
Habibur Rahman, a resident of the village, said Samrat, Mithu and Sajal take drugs and harass women and girls of the village.
The victim’s father said, “My daughter couldn’t appear at the SSC examination as she is now lying in hospital bed. The stalkers threatened to kill us if we disclose the matter. I’m afraid of filing a case in this regard.”
Officer-in-charge of Kotalipara Police Station M Mustafizur Rahman said they will take legal action against the miscreants once the family lodges a case.
