Strike at Ctg pvt hospitals withdrawn


Our Correspondent :
Indefinite strike at private clinics, hospitals and diagnostic centres in Chottagram was withdrawn on Monday afternoon.
Beshorkari Chikitsha Protishthan Samity President Abul Kashem declared withdrawal of the strike at a press briefing at around 12.30pm yesterday in the port city.
Considering the sufferings of the patients, the owners of private hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centres have suspended their strike at around 12.30pm, the president of the owners’ platform told the briefing.
Earlier on Sunday, the owners of private hospitals and clinics in Chattogram called an indefinite strike protesting at a mobile court drive in the city’s two private hospitals that caused sufferings to service seekers.
Hundreds of patients thronged to the city’s Chattogram Medical College and Hospital and other government hospitals till yesterday noon.
Date expired medicines and instruments in operation theatre, test report deception, fake signatures on test reports, pharmacies without licence and many more irregularities were disclosed in a daylong drive on Sunday at two private hospitals of Chattogram — Max Hospital and CSCR.
Rapid Action Battalion-7, Directorate General of Drug Administration and Directorate General of Health Services conducted the drive jointly.
