Straighten hair naturally


Life Desk :
Those of us with straight hair yearn for curly locks and wavy kinks, although straight and silky hair is more popular.
It’s not asking for the impossible because you can step into a Hair Salon and get your hair chemically treated for permanent straightening which can last up to a year. Of course you pay for the treatment which is definitely not cheap, and your hair texture also pays due to chemicals and hot irons.
These are some methods to get the kinks and curls out of hair, at home, using ingredients from your shelves.
Chop a bunch of celery leaves and extract juice by blending and straining through a muslin cloth. Store this in a bottle overnight. Next day apply the juice to length of hair and scalp. Comb with a broad toothed comb so that all the hair is covered and leave it on for an hour. Rinse hair well. Blow dry gently, using a circular brush with natural bristles.
A very popular technique is to mix ½ cup of water with ½ a cup of milk and pour this into a spray bottle. Comb out the tangles before starting. Spray this milk on hair and scalp. Comb again. Leave milk on for ½ hour before washing gently with water. Comb with a broad toothed comb. Repeat this technique 2 -3 times a week. Can blow dry with and brush for a finished look.
Milk with water
Another trendy tip is coconut milk treatment – extract milk from 1 coconut by first grating and then blending the tender fruit or meat of coconut. Add the juice of 1 fresh lime to this. Mix well and keep in the refrigerator. Next day a creamy layer has formed – use this on hair and scalp. Cover the head with a hot towel and keep for an hour. Wash with water and comb with a wide toothed comb. Repeat 2-3 times a week for good results. Blow drying is an option.
Coconut milk
Take a cup of “Fuller’s Earth” or “Multani Mitti” and mix 1 egg white and 2 spoons of rice flour to this. Add water to make a paste which should be runny enough to coat the hair but not flow at the same time. Leave for ½ hour and comb with a wide toothed comb. Repeat this 2 -3 times. Wash hair with water and a gentle shampoo after 2 hours.
Hair straightening side effects
Hair straightening is a common trend nowadays. People straighten their hair to make it look more stylish and beautiful. However, it has some side effects that can damage the hair that are caused by the heat and chemicals while straightening the hair. Here are some of the side effects caused due to hair straightening.
