Stop wasting time

Md Altaf Hussain :
e all have 24 hours in our days – so let’s make the most of what we have, and stop wasting it! After all, if you can clearly see where you are spending your time on what doesn’t matter, then you can actually do something about it – rather than just carry on as you are and wonder where the days go. We tend to waste our time at work in different ways.
And as the weekend goes by, our productivity increases. But it doesn’t mean we always give our best. We often look for ways to do our tasks more efficiently but not everything works for everyone. For this reason, today we present a list of simple ways to stop wasting time.
Organize and Prioritize
Do you wake up every day with a head full of thoughts about what you will have to do today? If so, you’re doing it wrong. What you should do instead is waking up every day with a head filled with a clear plan for the entire day. And to do that you have organize all your tasks and prioritize them according to their importance.
Every week create a list of things you have to do for every single day. Follow it and cross out those you finished. This will help you stay on top of your work.
Also, create a plan according to which you will work. There are many methods and practices which can be helpful. Create your own habits and stick to them to avoid wasting time.
Write out a schedule
Most people hate the idea of keeping a complete calendar, but not all scheduling has to be this complete. When you set out to complete a specific task, take five minutes to make a list, outline, or applicable timetable for the task. By giving yourself a manageable timeframe, you’re also more likely to hold yourself to the work at hand.
Using fixed time segments for specific tasks also breaks them down into more manageable pieces, making the wide open workday feel easier to engage with.
This practice can work with everything from homework assignments to office jobs to home repairs.
Try to group together tasks when you can. If, for example, you need to get groceries and get gas, try to do both on the same trip. This saves you from having to make two separate trips for things that can easily be done at the same time.
Stick to the task at hand
It’s no secret that many college students have sparkling apartments in the week before finals. We often procrastinate by taking on other important (albeit non-time sensitive) tasks instead of the most important task we need to complete. Spending time on less important activities is still a step backward and a time waster when you have other deadlines or due dates looming. Recognise when the task you’re working on isn’t the one that should be at the top of your list.
Try assigning priorities to your tasks. Start with a few small tasks to help you build up momentum, and then focus on the most immediate or pressing tasks in your life.
Monitoring works
If you don’t monitor your work, you will not be able to track your progress but also self-development. Create a system which will give you a clear and detailed insight into your work. For this, you may find Time Camp useful. It’s time tracking software which not only tracks your work hours but also helps you keep a hand on all your activities (both productive and unproductive). With this tool, you don’t have to worry about wasting your time on useless things.
You can also use other tools which can be extremely helpful in tracking your work. And when your boss or a client asks you: “How’s your work progress?” you will be able to provide them with a detailed report.
Go slower
Sounds utterly counterproductive to time management, but trying to work too quickly or multitask on anything more than menial tasks can end up wasting time. Studies have shown that only 2 per cent of people can multitask in truly effective, time saving ways. Going slower allows you to not only better focus, but also to reduce stress.
Going slower also gives you the opportunity to ensure that you complete each task fully and clearly, making it less likely that you have to go back and clarify or fix mistakes, which can end up taking more time.
Things that take away from goals
Your goals are what you will look back on and feel a sense of pride in if you have achieved them, but feel deflated it not. Therefore it makes sense that anything that takes you directly away from your goals is wasting your time.
Things such as hobbies that you don’t really enjoy anymore, groups that you are a member of that have a lot of time commitment but don’t relate to your goals, friends who make you feel low when you are with them, and working all the hours you have in a dead end job when you would rather start your own business.