Stop atrocities against minorities: BJHM

Staff Reporter :
The leaders of Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote (BJHM) on Friday demanded stoppage of the torture committed by the influential political party men against the minority communities.
They said this at a unveiling programme of a report on “Torture on Minority Communities” in the VIP Lounge of the Jatiya Press Club on Friday.
The report said, a total of 88 minority people were
 killed and about a thousand were tortured by the influential people, belonging to political party men, this year. According to the report, 29 women were raped and four others were murdered after rape.
BJHM complained a total of 20,734 acres of land belonging to the minority groups were grabbed this year by the politically influential people.
BJHM Secretary General Govinda Chandra Pramanik alleged that ruling party men along with other group members carried out the atrocities and they did those under the direct and indirect help from the administration.
The report was prepared after analysing various news agencies and social media from January to November this year. It revealed that 1,792 people belonging to different minorities were tortured directly and more than 50,000 people were affected during this time.
The alliance also placed a three-point demand to the political parties ahead of the upcoming Parliamentary Election slated to be held on December 30.
The alliance also threatened to boycott the National election if its demands were not included in the manifestoes of the political parties.
The three-point demand includes allocation of 50 reserved seats in the Parliament for minority groups, creating a separate Ministry and an independent Commission for them.