No good governance in country: Stop arresting people: Dr Kamal

Jatiya Oikyafront Convener Dr Kamal Hossain speaking at a discussion held at Supreme Court Bar Association auditorium on Wednesday.
Jatiya Oikyafront Convener Dr Kamal Hossain speaking at a discussion held at Supreme Court Bar Association auditorium on Wednesday.

Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Oikyafront leader Dr Kamal Hossain on Wednesday said there is no good governance in the country. He demanded the Election Commission to stop police from arresting people from the streets.
“If anybody claims there is good governance in the country, I will say that he or she is a liar,” Dr Kamal said it at a discussion meeting held on the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) premises as the chief guest.
Bangladesh Human Rights Federation (BHRF) organized the discussion on ‘Human Rights, Good Governance and Voting Rights’. The discussion meeting was organized on the occasion of 70th World Human Rights Day and 47th anniversary of the victory of Bangladesh.
If the Election Commission fails to hold the December 30 election in a fair manner, the consequences will be terrifying, Dr Kamal further said.
“I see a very bright future of the country if the election is held in a fair and acceptable manner. But if a fair election is affected and halted, the consequences will be very dangerous. Everyone should keep it in mind,” he said.
And if the people cannot exercise their voting rights, then it will be a blow to the independence of the country, which is tantamount to sedition, said Dr Kamal.
He also demanded the EC to stop police from arresting people, adding that police are creating panic among people, which is a violation of human rights.
“Arrest me if you can. It is a shame that the police are arresting people from the streets which is something I have not ever seen before,” he said.
He also urged the commission to perform its duties with all its power for the next 10 days to hold the election in a free and fair manner.
“All the power is now delegated to the Election Commission. The commission has to exercise the power for holding the election,” he said.
“Voters have their Constitutional guarantee to exercise their right to franchise independently. I think you (EC) are aware of it, but remind you again. Use your Constitutional power to prevent the police from doing unfair acts,” Dr Kamal added.
He alleged that the government is trying to stage a farce in the name of election by letting police loose against common people.
The Oikyafront chief said that the government should not forget that the nation attained the independence and a Constitution at the cost of blood of 30 lakh martyrs. “We’re ready to give you all the 300 seats in exchange of peace in The Country.”
He said the government is trying to have its candidates elected by any means to retain power for another five years.
Under the circumstances, Dr Kamal said people must get united to exercise their voting rights and ensure good governance and human rights. “I’m observing that the worry of people over their voting rights is growing.”
Chairman of Bangladesh Human Rights Federation Mohammad Shahjahan presided over the meeting. Chairman of National Election Monitoring Council and Begum Rokeya University Vice-Chancellor Professor Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, SCBA President Advocate Zainul Abedin and Vice-President Advocate Golam Rahman, among others, gave speech in the meeting.
