Stocks close flat amid speculative trading

Economic Reporter :
Stock market closed the week flat amid speculation centering the new monetary policy statement (MPS) and its impact on the economy, especially on the country’s capital market.
Bangladesh Bank (BB) on Tuesday announced a cautiously accommodative monetary policy for the first half of the current 2016-17 financial year.
Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) made little gain on the day to break the falling trend that the market had been going through in the past five consecutive sessions, but returned to red zone again on Wednesday with marginal loss on post-MPS trading.
The broader DSEX index of DSE, however, closed the week flat in green at 4538.26 when the blue-chip DS30 and Shariah DSES were marginally down at 1771.50 and 1111.18 respectively.
Compared to last week, all the DSE indices were down when the daily transaction fell considerably. The average trade value at DSE fell by 1.60 percent to Taka 392.72 crore, with the volume declining by over 33.0 percent to 8.88 crore shares.
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also closed the week in red, with its major CASPI index losing 13.25 points to finish at 13963.62.