Stock ends rally on profit taking

BSS, Dhaka :
The short-run rally at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) ended Monday as share prices tumbled on profit-taking. The market was upward in the past two sessions, with daily trade value crossing 50-session high on Sunday.
The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) retracted by nearly 49 points to close at 4509.28 while the blue-chip DS30 came down to 1717.48 and the Shariah DSES slid at 1096.69.
Market saw selling pressure from the beginning of the session that continued till the close, with 198 securities declining, 98 gaining and 32 remaining static. The daily transaction also declined to 6.46 crore shares worth Taka 314 crore.
One Bank was the day’s worst losing issues as its share suffered over 18.0 percent loss at close on ex-dividend trading. The other most losing issues were FBFIF, Dulamia Cotton, SIBL and Metro Spinning.
Pharma Aid topped the gaining list followed by Reliance Insurance, Nitol Insurance, Union Cap and ACI.
The most liquid shares were GP, ACI, Shasha Denim and Lafarge Surma.
