State University distributes laptops among students

State Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Advocate Tarana Halim, MP distributes laptops among the students of State University of Bangladesh on Thursday.
State Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Advocate Tarana Halim, MP distributes laptops among the students of State University of Bangladesh on Thursday.
Campus Report :
As a part of digitalization of country, State University of Bangladesh organized a “Laptop Distribution Ceremony” at the University campus at city’s Satmasjid Road on Thursday. State Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Advocate Tarana Halim, MP was the chief guest on the occasion and distributed laptops among the students. This was an excellent opportunity for the students to receive laptops from the Minister. Besides, the students of the University were delighted to have the minister with them.
The minister thanked the University authority for such an initiative. She encouraged the idea of the University and urged students to be attentive towards study in building the nation and technology friendly. She also instructed the students not to misuse the technology rather get involved to use the best part of technology in their academic and personal advancement.
The University is technology friendly and conceived the motto of Digital Bangladesh of the Prime minister and accordingly decided to distribute laptops to its students.
It is worth mentioning that the Digital Bangladesh implies the broad use of computers, and embodies the modern philosophy of effective and useful use of technology in terms of implementing the promises in education, health, job placement and poverty reduction. The motto underscored a changing attitude, positive thinking and innovative ideas for the success of “Digital Bangladesh”. The motto further emphasizes on the four elements of “Digital Bangladesh Vision” which are human resource development, people involvement, civil services and use of information technology in business, education and economic development.
Dr AM Shamim, President, Board of Trustees of the University, Major General (Retd) M Shahjahan Acting Vice Chancellor and AH Lutful Hassan, Registrar of the University spoke on the occasion. Two students of the University also expressed their feelings on behalf all students. The program was attended by the faculty and staff members, educationists, students and distinguished guest.