Commentary: Starvation and malnutrition are to be seen as a human calamity and within easy reach to solve


Editorial Desk :
Children are the worst victims of the war in Yemen. Nearly half a million children under 5 have so far died of hunger, disease and acute malnutrition and the number is only growing. The world leaders seem quite unmoved. We would say that the world must come forward to feed those hungry people and save them. Starving people whoever is responsible for it is clearly a crime against humanity. UN reports released recently said over 2.3 million younger people — nearly half of all children in the country are suffering from hunger and acute malnutrition. It appears that an entire new generation is going to be a lost generation while others are witnessing the dire situation without remorse.
The question that is now increasingly haunting the people all over the world is that why the world is not coming forth to save the dying generation of children when there is no shortage of food and resources to feed the helpless.
The other question is why the world leaders are not doing enough to stop the war and stop the destruction of a country and its people. Basically it is a proxy war between
 rising Shiite influence in the Gulf region led by Iran on one hand and an anti-Iran alliance led by Saudi Arabia and other royals and dictatorial regimes on the other. This complex nature of the crisis has made finding a solution difficult when the Saudi led coalition is particularly failing to show progress in the battle field.
It is sad that in the latest move to raise US$ 3.4 billion for humanitarian aid to Yemen only 1.9 billion pledged. Most wealthy nations waste half of their food. Arabs destroy the most while children in another Arab country are dying in starvation. It is a shame. We are not for one or the other in this war, we are just raising the humanitarian alarm in which only the enemy of humanity will remain deaf and deny adequate access to food to starving Yemeni children and its unarmed people.
All countries now constitute one world and we live in one world. The most acute human crisis of starvation and malnutrition is within easy grasp of solution by rich countries if due consideration is given.
