Special people get wheelchairs in Tarash


Tarash (Sirajganj) Correspondent :
Wheel chairs were distributed among two physically challenged persons in Tarash of Sirajganj on Wednesday .
The voluntary organization Village Vision Bangladesh donated the Wheel chairs .
 This organization has distributed 22 wheelchairs so far. With the cooperation of Abu Mansoor and Lutfunnesa Khan Foundation, Rifat Hossain, the 8-year-old son of van driver Mahbub Hossain, physically challenged, and Shirin Khatun, physically challenged, 24-year-old daughter of Abu Bakar, of Ghargram Bouunili Purbpara village, were given one wheel chair each. Shahbaz Khan Soni, Director of Abu Mansoor and Lutfunnesa Khan Foundation , Executive Director of Village Vision Bangladesh organization Sharif Khandkar and a group of volunteers were present during this distribution.
