Speaker for spreading Sheikh Kamal’s ideology among youngsters


Speakers at a discussion said ideology of Sheikh Kamal, the eldest son of Bangabandhu, will have to spread among the youngsters as he tried to introduce Bangladesh in the global arena through sports.
They said Kamal had dedicated his life for the development of the country’s sports and culture as his dream was to take the country ahead through involving the young generation in sport and cultural activities.
They said this while speaking at the discussion on “Our friend SheikhKamal” at the National Press Club on Sunday. “Satirtha Swajan” organised thediscussion marking the 70th birth anniversary of Sheikh Kamal, the eldest sonof Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Pijush Bandapathaya conducted the discussion while youth and sportssecretary of Bangladesh Awami League (AL) Harunur Rashid, president of Bangladesh Medical Association Dr Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin, president of National Press Club Muhammad Shafiqur Rahman, Sheikh Kamal’s friends Major General (retd) Sayed Ahmed, Saidur Rahman Patel, ATM Munir Uddin, Syed Shahed Reza, among others, took part in the discussion.
They said Bangladesh would have been a socially and culturally rich countryif the nation would have been able to follow the ideology of Sheikh Kamal.
Harunur Rashid said Sheikh Kamal was a farsighted man and development of the country’s sports was his dream. Kamal had sympathy for the people and he worked for the welfare of the people, he added.
Saidur Rahman Patel said Sheikh Kamal wanted to introduce Bangladesh in the global area through sports and for this reason, he started reorganising the sports after the independence of Bangladesh.
