News analysis: Sorry, people have not given you arms to kill people

Special Correspondent :
As the ultimate ‘impunity’ has been promised to the law enforcing agencies to kill the people who are allegedly involved in violence, enforced disappearances and extra-judicial executions are on the rise amidst the on-going political crisis. The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina assured the police and others to use maximum force to contain the movement. The mistake being made is that the police are not for dealing with the political movement but law and order.
The latest AHRC release said, at least nine people including two women have disappeared, and seven other men were murdered extra-judicially between the 5 and 27 of this month. These sixteen unfortunate victims were detained by DB Police, RAB and the Joint Forces comprising of Police, RAB and the BGB men and eventually become prey of forced disappearances and extra-judicial executions. Very surprisingly, from top to bottom of the government and ruling party seem nonchalant, talking in unrealistic terms and singing the same chorus simultaneously – that of ‘no dialogue’, if need be, they often threaten to shoot the opponents directly and try them without any trial. Most of the ministers including the Head of the government termed the on-going opposition protests as criminal and militant activities, not political ones. The atmosphere, in general, is nothing more than a war-like situation where there is no bar to shoot at sight.
The victims of extra-judicial execution are first subjected to forced disappearance for several days, in some cases weeks, before their corpses were discovered. The law-enforcement agencies on their part have cited “unidentified terrorists killed in gunfights” after these executions. Seven others who were picked up by the members of law enforcement agencies and whose whereabouts remained undisclosed for several days, have been sent to prison in fabricated cases. The law-enforcement agencies have also been detaining female family members of the opposition men while they fail to trace the male members. Such arbitrary detention of women or even their disappearance has now been creating extreme fear in the society. Conventional wisdom calls it ‘instant-justice’ executed unlawfully. On 25 January, RAB DG remarked, “Why arms have been given to the law-enforcement agencies? Is it (arms) to play Ha-Du-Du (Kabaddi) or Dangguli (Tip-cat)? What to do with the arms?
Earlier, State Minister for Home announced reward for information leading to arrest of arson attackers. So, enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings are again seen as being encouraged by the hateful and provocative speeches of the ministers who are trying to downplay the people’s aspirations.
The global human rights watchdog HRW on Thursday in its World Report 2015 commented on the Bangladesh situation as ‘extremely worrying’. It said, the Bangladesh government essentially gives security forces free rein as it suits the government’s interests, and turns a blind eye to excesses. Government forces committed serious abuses both leading up to and after the January 2014 general elections.
It is unbelievable that the people in power cannot see how the situation is becoming dangerously uncontrollable. A government that is afraid of facing election is inherently weak and vulnerable. Everybody knows the government has no public support and anything can happen at any time. This is an uncertainty that must be avoided by any sensible government for its own sake and that is why democracy is considered safe.