Sonia blames PM Modi of making hollow promises, weakening Congress welfare policies


PTI, New :
Former Congress president Sonia Gandhi today launched an all-out attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that his pre-poll promises of combating corruption and ensuring inclusive development were “only dramebazi’ and a trick to grab power.
“The slogans of ‘sab ka saath, sab ka vikas’ and ‘na khaoonga, na khaane doonga’ are only and only dramebazi (drama) and a trick to grab power,” she said, referring to Modi’s promises of inclusive development and corruption-free governance.
Gandhi, in her address at the 84th Congress Plenary Session, gave a clarion call to the partymen to be ready for any kind of sacrifice to strengthen the party and to make the county free from discrimination, vendetta politics and arrogance.
She said that the Congress was fighting the tyrannical Modi government and the people have begun to realise that the promises made by the BJP in 2014 were hollow.
“Under the leadership of former PM Manmohan Singh, the economy of this country flourished. Our government formed policies which lifted millions of people from poverty. And today, the Modi government is weakening these policies,” she said.
Gandhi said the present dispensation was using all means to be in power. But the Congress has and will never bow before the power of arrogance of this government which has launched vendetta against its opponents, she said.
The party, she said, was making efforts to win back the trust of the people and would work with like-minded parties to oust the BJP. “Those who want to throw the very identity of the Congress party out of the country do not know how much people love them. There is only one priority today and that is how to make Congress party stronger. Congress is not just a party, but an idea several years ahead of its time,” Gandhi said.
Earlier, Congress president Rahul Gandhi said that the country is in a way “fatigued” under the Narendra Modi dispensation and is looking for a way out. In his brief inaugural address at the 84th Congress Plenary Session, he accused the NDA government failing to create jobs and address farm distress.
Taking a jibe at the present dispensation, Gandhi said that crores of youths in the country, looking up to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are not finding anything and did not know where will the jobs come from and farmers do not know when they will get fair price of their produce.
