Commentary: Some patriotism and little bit of self-respect can change needed to live as free people

Freedom is to be struggled and renewed everyday.
After the daring killing of a retired Major Sinha Mohammad Rashed Khan we are feeling optimism now that there is a realisation among some retired army officers that things have rotten to deep with the support of all sections of the government and some astonishing truths are being exposed boldly on television talks.
Had it not been a retired army officer the police officers’ involvement would have no difficulty in getting away with the murder. Some rogue police officers have become too bold to think that there is nobody above them. The government is depending on police and the like forces for their own existence. Under proper leadership our police and other forces could have been made admirable forces.
In the hope of better life the ordinary people struggled and joined many movements at the calls of the leaders but every time, for too long a time, our people have been let down. They were the ones who lost their lives and the lives of their dear ones. But the leaders mostly remained away from the frontline. Our politics for failed leadership and hereditary leadership proved no good for public faith or good leadership.
We need new leadership unblemished by failed and corrupt political leadership. Sycophancy in politics must be made punishable crime.
